Vaccine Facts, woman being vaccinated, Elk Run Assisted Living in Evergreen, CO

Cassia and MAGIC Present Vaccine Facts

Will I get COVID-19 from the vaccine? Does it alter my DNA? It was created so fast! Does it really work? Is it safe for pregnant women?

There is a lot of misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccines. Cassia joins Minnesota Association of Geriatrics Inspired Clinicians (MAGIC) in providing you with science based information, so you can make an informed decision for you and your family. Watch this series of one-minute videos that answer questions about the vaccine.

Can I get COVID-19 from the vaccine? Will it alter my DNA?

The COVID-19 vaccine was developed so fast! How do I know it is safe?

Communities of color have been hit hard by COVID-19. Why should we get the vaccine?

How do we know the COVID-19 vaccine is safe? Does it really work?

I’ve heard there are side effects to the COVID-19 vaccine.

Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe for pregnant women?

I just want everything to get back to normal!

You can access the entire MAGIC video here.